Top 10 worst weapons in Pubg mobile

Today, we will be taking a look at the top 10 worst weapons in Pubg mobile. But most importantly we gotta understand how these weapons became one of the worst weapons in this game and what exactly makes them so bad? I mean I’m not telling you to not use these weapons, use them if you have absolutely no other choice and some of them might end up being your best weapon.

Top 10 worst weapons in Pubg Mobile


New M249
New M249

M249, wait not old M249, the newly redesigned M249 which has gone through a lot of changes which Pubg developers call optimization, but it’s more like a deoptimization. Anyway, the M249 used to be one of the best weapons in this game, but now after the redesign or so-called “optimization”, it now became the worst weapon in this game. Every time I fight against an M249 player, I would most likely win, even if they have an advantage I’d still win, because the new M249 is so bad.

Most of the weapons like M416, AKM, Beryl and even the Scar-L outperforms M249 in terms of performance anyway. This weapon is better than most of the other weapons on this list. But the reason why it is at number 1 is that it’s an airdrop only weapon so it should be better than other weapons.


Sawed Off
Sawed Off

We have none other than the sawed-off, is it a pistol or a shotgun we never know, but it could be both so this weapon is only available on Miramar. The good thing it’s not on every map because it’s not powerful as the other shotguns, or reliable as other pistols. Sawed-off is a double-barrel shotgun pistol, will it do the same damage as a shotgun, not really, it deals way less damage, around 40-50% less damage than a normal shotgun and its range is not that great either. So that is this and it comes with only two rounds per magazine, so in order to kill your opponent, you need to hit your 2 shots perfectly. Otherwise, if you miss at least 1 shot, you basically screwed up because it takes 4 seconds to reload.

3)Stun Grenades

Stun Grenades
Stun Grenades

At the number 3 spot, we have stun grenades or flash grenades depending on what you call it, but it’s the most useless thing I ever saw its more like a prank weapon that mostly used for pranking teammates by blinding them or trolling them. If you try to use it on your opponent, you never know if you successfully blinded your opponent or not, you won’t able to know unless you go very close and its range is very poor. It can only blind your enemies for a couple of it’s basically a useless weapon for most of the players, I’m not telling you not to use this, or carry this, it has its own purpose and that is to stun your enemies, and it rarely happens.


R45 Revolver
R45 Revolver

R45 revolver, another Miramar exclusive weapon, so it replaces the normal revolver that you usually find in Erangal map so the R45 uses .45 ammunition whereas the normal revolver uses 7.62. However both revolvers deal the same amount of damage, so what makes the R45 one of the worst weapon well its the rate of fire. If you try to fire R45 rapidly and compare it to the normal revolver, you would notice that R45 shoots really slowly and when using a pistol rapid tapping is what most people do and remember that R45 has only 6 rounds while normal revolver has 7 rounds, yet the normal one shoots faster.



Crossbow, so let me ask you one small question, what exactly is a crossbow, is it a sniper rifle or what. Don’t think that crossbow is a bad weapon or a useless weapon, if you use it in the right way it can be really powerful, I think by now most of you already know that a crossbow can kill a level 3 helmet in just a single headshot, just like AWM. The crossbow can be one of the best weapons in this game, but also it can end up being one of the worst weapons in this game nobody truly understands what is the purpose of the crossbow, but as far as I know, the crossbow is the most silent weapon in this game.



M16A4, a semi-automatic assault rifle or in other words Burst fire assault rifle and you totally have to depend on your luck to use this weapon. Around 1.5 years ago, I used to use M16A4 instead of M416, to truly understand its purpose, and I actually understood that M16A4 is a great weapon for mid-range spraying. I learned how to use the continuous burst fire method, which is currently patched or does network anymore so it can no longer do continuous burst fire.

After the patch update, it made the M16A4 even worse by adding some delay between each burst. It was really fun killing players with M16A4, makes me look like a hacker, but the problem with this weapon is tapping, as i said tapping is extremely difficult thing to do especially on mobile. However, on PCs, it’s an easy thing to do.



We have another burst fire weapon, the MK47 mutant if you are lucky you might end up getting some kills with this weapon. In my opinion, the mutant is slightly a better weapon than M16 because it deals more damage. It still has the ability to rapid-fire, by tapping quickly. So all these things make mutant a bit more reliable when it comes to close-range fights. But however, people hate using burst fire weapons since they all depend on your luck.


We have Winchester, somehow it kind-a falls under the bolt action sniper rifle category, and it has the lowest damage among all the snipers. It also used to be a joke weapon, but after Pubg added a scope, it kind-a became better than before, but still, it has a low damage output. It requires 2-3 headshots or 3-4 body shot to kill your opponent. If they are using decent armour, and you could totally use the win 94, it’s not bad as before, it has gone through few changes that made it better, that’s why it’s at number 8, so it’s a useable weapon, but only for early games, later it’s pointless of using it.



We have VSS its a suppressed sniper rifle with a permanent 4X scope attached to it, it actually falls under the DMR category. Most people say VSS is a very underrated weapon, in my opinion no, it’s not because it has few major problems and one of them is its mag size, it comes with 10 rounds by default, and 20 when using extended mag. So 10 rounds combined with low damage output is gonna be extremely challenging to kill your opponents.

Also its bullets will travel 3 times slower than most of the other DMR’s, so the bullet drop will be crazy on this weapon. These are the reason why VSS is in 9th place. I mean if Pubg tries to fix it by increasing its damage but that’s not going to happen because it has acceptable damage as it uses 9mm ammo, and fixing the bullet drop is also not possible because it uses 9mm ammo. Soonly if VSS comes with 20 rounds by default and 30 when using extended, then it would definitely be an underrated weapon.

10)Aug A3

Aug A3
Aug A3

We have AUG A3, yes I know most of you are like, how can this gun end up on this list. Let me explain, so AUG A3 is an airdrop only weapon so it’s supposed to be a better weapon than m416 but it’s not. M416 and Aug have almost identical performances sometimes AUG do better sometimes M416 does it better. So AUG A3 is definitely not a better version of m416, whereas other airdrop weapons like Groza which is a better version of AKM and Beryl and Mk14 is a better version of all DMRs and A W M is a better version of all other sniper rifles.

Now I hope you understand why I put AUG on this list, its an almost powerful as an M416, but obviously not a better version of M416 for sure.

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