How to fight in building area


I believe that when most players choose to land in the building area at the beginning. They often encounter enemies in the same area. At this time, it is impossible to avoid an “encounter”. But if you know a few tricks, you can greatly increase the chance of survival. Let’s talk about how to fight in building areas.

Familiar with building structures and take over commanding heights.

The most basic requirement for a successful building fights is to be familiar with each building structure. It is a great help for you both clearing and defending buildings. After knowing about the building structure, you can start to find a commanding height. Most of the buildings in Pochinki have a good view. They are suitable for finding enemy positions and observing the situation. You can also attack enemies in other buildings.

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Weapon Choice

When fighting in a building area, you had better bring a Machine gun and an Assault Rifle or a Shotgun. Machine guns are versatile. They are suitable for various distance combat. Assault Rifles and Shotguns harm a lot in close combat. They are very useful in close distance building fight.



You must pay attention to the grenades. When pushing you can use the area damage of grenades to attack the enemies hiding in the building. When defending, you can also use grenades to block the enemies and throw Molotov on the downstairs to block the enemies path. When you hear the enemies pulling a grenade, you must quickly move to avoid being bombed.


Jump from Building
Jump from Building

Remember don’t live in one position for too long. So as to confuse your enemies, when you hear footsteps downstairs and find that the enemy has the intention to attack the house. You can jump out of the window and give your enemy a SURPRISE.

In the end I wish all my pals can survive and become the richest person in the building areas.


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